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Delta State Police Command


Delta Police Command Discredits Report Linking it to Idumuje-Ugboko Crisis

The Delta State Police Command has cautioned those fanning the embers of Idumuje -Ugboko crisis and dragging the image of the Nigeria Police Force into disrepute, to forthwith desist from such acts urging all lovers of peace in the state to stop making inciting statements.

The command gave this warning in a statement signed by the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), DSP Andrew Aniamaka, in response to an online article titled “Shocking Truth About The Problems Of Idumuje Ugboko Against Chinedu Odai (Ned Nwoko)”, accusing the Delta State Police Commissioner, Mr. Zanna Ibrahim of conniving with Prince Ned Nwoko to establish an Islamic Emirate in Idumuje-Ugboko, Aniocha North Local Government area of the state.

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The rejoinder made available to the Press by the PPRO, it read, “the attention of the Delta State Police Command has been drawn to the above underlined article purportedly authored by one Osato Akinobare,  et. al but posted on, a social media platform,  on August 3, 2017, by one Abel Orukpe. The authors of the article shamelessly and unwisely accused the Commissioner of Police and his Deputy of conniving with a certain Chinedu Odai (Ned Nwoko) to establish an Islamic emirate in Idumuje Ugboko.

The Command notes, without equivocation, that the piece is fallacious, mischievous, misleading, lacking realism and should be dismissed as an irresponsible propaganda and a calculated attempt to tarnish the good image of the Commissioner of Police and the entire Command.  It reiterates, for the umpteenth time, without any fear of contradiction, that all actions taken by the Commissioner of Police, Delta State Police Command and Zone ‘5’ Police Headquarters, Benin, as regards recent crisis at Idumuje Ugboko, have been professionally motivated by the sole interest of ensuring that peace and tranquility is maintained in the community and its environs, hence the CP’s  unceasing  appeals to the feuding parties to sheathe their swords and toe the path of lasting peace.

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It is no doubt, easier, especially within the confines of a paid ambient atmosphere, to criticize those in field of battle risking their lives to save other lives but, one should know where to draw the line. 

By attempting to paint very upright, thorough-bred and hardworking officers in false image of religious bigots, the authors and sponsors of this sick article have unwittingly, simply portrayed themselves as cheap and irresponsible propagandists, not only sowing the seed of discord amongst brothers in Idumuje-Ugboko but also pouring mud on whomsoever desires earnest peace in the once peaceful and beatific community.

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While enjoining the good people of Idumuje-Ugboko and all lovers of peace in Delta to discountenance the inciting article and to toe the path of peace and progress, the command reiterates its avowed commitment to remain steadfast and continually exercise its constitutional responsibilities”.

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