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“Okowa Doesn’t Listen…”, Delta PDP Knocks Uduaghan, Says He Is Unhappy For Not Getting Automatic Ticket

The Delta State Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has expressed deep dismay over comments credited to the former Governor of the State, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, published in the Punch Newspapers, with the heading: “I Left PDP Because Okowa Doesn’t Listen To Wise Counsel – Uduaghan,” describing the statement as unfortunate and a huge disappointment, especially coming from such a source, who ought to exhibit a more responsible level of verbal decency and decorum, irrespective of his new political affiliations.

This obvious disappointment of the PDP was contained in a short but poignant statement issued by its State Publicity Secretary, Dr. Ifeanyi Osuoza, who further noted also that though everyone was entitled to their own opinion, especially in this season when political survival and grandstanding have assumed greater relevance, particularly for those whose ambitions are shaking, Dr. Uduaghan nevertheless, was being mischievously economical with the truth in his comment about a political associate whom he had worked with closely and successfully for nearly two decades and who, in the finest democratic traditions, have equally inherited and is working in excellent harmony with many of the same elder statesmen and women, who had also provided wise counsel to former Delta leaders of the party in the past.

Dr. Osuoza said: “We are very disappointed with the comment credited to Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan that he left the PDP because our leader and governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa does not listen to wise counsel. It is indeed quite disheartening and unfortunate that Dr. Uduaghan will make such a statement to the general public, and our spontaneous reaction would have been to join issues with him robustly, but we will rather refrain from such an obvious bait of deliberate distraction and quickly refer him to the nearly two decades of his own political trajectory and allow him to do the mathematics by himself.

“We wish to remind Dr. Uduaghan that the PDP, under the able leadership of Governor Okowa and executive council of the party and with the good and wise counsel from the same elder statesmen and women who have been providing support and guidance to the party over the years, most prominent amongst whom is our undisputed national leader, Chief James Onanefe Ibori, the Odidigboigbo of the universe, made a solemn commitment and firm pledge not to provide an automatic ticket for any contestant but insisted that we would provide a level playing field for all our party faithful to seek the mandate of their constituents, in a keen, fair, transparent and credible primaries that would produce the most popular and deserving candidates to fly our party flag in the general elections, including the keenly contested Delta South Senatorial seat ticket.

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“Anybody, who therefore felt that a contrary method of producing our candidates, would have been a wise counsel which our Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa did not listen to, is either suggesting that the counsels of Chief James Ibori and other leaders of the party are not good or wise, or that person must be someone who neither has the welfare of our party nor the interest of our members at heart and it will be germane to remind such people that even Governor Okowa did not invoke or impose his power of incumbency on the process, but rather subjected himself humbly to a governorship primary election, like a true party faithful who desires to lead by example.

“For Dr. Uduaghan to now claim that Governor Okowa does not listen to good or wise counsel, may thus be interpreted as a sad reflection of what certain political ambitions can lead to, especially when placed against the backdrop of the prominent leaders, elders, statesmen and women, who have lined up with our Ekwueme at different podiums and joined the massive teeming crowds across Delta State, to welcome the PDP Campaign train, everywhere we have visited,” Osuoza said with satisfaction.

Continuing, the PDP Spokesman said: “We are quite amused, just like the majority of Deltans, at the farcical and pretentious romance between Dr. Uduaghan and Chief Great Ogboru and the comical show of working together that they are always entertaining Deltans with, whenever they find themselves together. In fact, watching Chief Great Ogboru stand beside Dr. Uduaghan in a poorly attended campaign rally and make a statement like: “The days of sharing local government council money is over. Once I emerge the governor, local government money shall be given directly for the development of the councils….Sometimes ago, we always won the elections but were being cheated, but our time has come,” reveals the great deceit of this dangerous combination and dubious collaboration to Deltans.

“Let us, however, assure both Dr. Uduaghan and Chief Great Ogboru, for the avoidance of doubt, that the PDP and Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is fully ready and prepared for whatever dubious plans they may be nursing. We have noted with passing interest that they have finally decided to put up some form of haphazard and ill-prepared mushroom gatherings in the form of campaign and it is obvious, from the lean and smattering reception they have been receiving, that Deltans already knew who to follow and trust with their votes in the coming elections. The PDP is here to stay and Governor Ifeanyi Okowa will coast home to a resounding re-election victory and secure his much deserved and merited second term. And you can take that to the bank,” Dr. Osuoza concluded convincingly.

(L-R) Delta State Governor, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa Exchanging Pleasantries with Former Governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan at Osubi Airport during the APC Presidential Campaign in Delta State.

(L-R) Delta State Governor, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa Exchanging Pleasantries with Former Governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan at Osubi Airport during the APC Presidential Campaign in Delta State.

It will be noted that, in a report published by the Nigerian Tribune on Sunday, January 27, 2019, titled, “I Left PDP Because Okowa Doesn’t Listen To Wise Counsel – Uduaghan”, the former governor of Delta state while endorsing the candidature of the APC gubernatorial candidtate for Delta, Chief Great Ogboru, gave additional reasons why he left the PDP for APC.

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It reads below;

The immediate past governor of Delta State and Delta South Senatorial candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, has advanced further reasons he defected from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) last year.

He said he did so because his successor, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, does not listen to good counsels.

Uduaghan stated this when the APC Delta State governorship candidate, Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru’s campaign train visited Koko, Warri North Local Government Area of the state.

He frowned at a situation where a former governor of his status with a great pedigree in PDP, would offer pieces of advice and it would be ignored and trashed.

He reiterated that Chief Ogboru has shown that he is a good friend of the Itsekiri people and that is why he is teaming up with him and APC.

The former governor charged the Itsekiri and Ijaw people to vote for APC at all levels, noting that President Muhammadu Buhari, within a few months of their request that the Warri Seaport be revitalised, has started the dredging of Excravos river which has been a major challenge to big vessels coming to Warri port.

Uduaghan, while referring to Ogboru as the incoming governor of the state, said; “Excellency, I know when you get to the Government House, you will listen to me because some people in the state failed to listen to me and I am too big to be in a place where they won’t listen to me.

“By your actions so far, you have shown that you are a friend of the Itsekiri people; those who think they can do without us, we leave them to God.

“We begged that the remaining 5km Koko road dualisation be completed, but nobody listened to our plea.

“President Buhari listened when we made case for the dredging of Excravos river, today the contract for the dredging of Warri seaport and Koko port have been awarded and work has gone far.

“The Koko Forshore contract awarded to someone in the state’s ruling PDP through NDDC abandoned it until PMB came, now work has begun, though at a slow pace,” he enthused.

Uduaghan flayed the Okowa government for scrapping the payment of WAEC fees for Delta students.

He said that he was sad recently when he saw a church raising offerings to pay WAEC fees for five students whose parents could not afford to pay.

The former governor, who initiated a programme known as ‘Edumarshal,’ to get poor children out of the streets, said “our children must be in school and the ‘Edumarshal’ programme must be continued by our incoming Governor Chief Great Ogboru because I am very passionate about education.

“So, when you come in on March 2nd, this should be one major focus area for you.”

On his part, the Delta State governorship candidate of APC, Chief Ogboru, has assured Deltans that his administration will give local government councils all monies accrued to them to speed off the desired development at the grassroots.

Chief Ogboru gave this assurance when the Delta State APC Campaign Organisation visited Koko and Oghara the headquarters of Warri North and Ethiope West local government area of the state.

“The days of sharing local government council money is over. Once I emerge the governor, local government money shall be given directly for the development of the councils.

“My job as Governor of Delta State is to distribute the state resources equitably and provide infrastructural development across the state.

“We are also going to give light because when there is light, people who are hiding under darkness will run away.

“Sometimes ago, we always won the elections, but were being cheated, but our time has come.

“The time has come to move the state forward. The time to liberate our state has come,” Ogboru declared.

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