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Great Ogboru
Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru

The Periscope

APC Direct Primary Election: Why Ogboru Is Afraid

The introduction of the direct primaries by the APC into the electoral process is arguably one of the most interesting innovations of the current political dispensation. By these direct primaries, all card carrying members of the party are qualified to vote for the party’s flagbearer.

This is against the practice of indirect primaries whereby delegated are elected or selected to form an electoral college which will in turn determine the flagbearer. This indirect primaries is a fertile ground for manipulation and monetary inducement where the chosen and few delegates vote for the highest bidder

In Delta state, Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru is no mean politician. He is known for his political sagacity that has earned him the accolade as the people’s general. He boasts of immense followership amongst the ordinary people. But why is the Abraka born political colossus afraid of facing the people in a direct primary election of his own party. This attitude of Ogboru which is inconsistent with his famed political prowess has left many people to conclude that the political magic of the five time gubernatorial candidate is about to wane.

Despite the fact that Ogboru in cahoots with some elements have hijacked the APC structure in the state, their victory by installing the Jones Erue led state EXCO has turned into an empty shell. Alas, the handpicked EXCO cannot be of any use in manipulating the direct primaries in favour of Ogboru.

While some aspirants such as Cairo Ojougboh, Pat Utomi, etc, were busy engaging with the party members across the state, Ogboru was busy dissipating his energy on placing his stooges in charge of the party structure. The roof over the head of Ogboru could not protect him from the rain and this is the first reason why Ogboru is afraid.

Another reason why Ogboru is afraid of direct primaries is his morbid fear that the members of the party in the spirit of fairplay have decided to cede the governorship ticket to the Anioma District. This is the reason why the Delta South APC has pledged to support the Delta North position. Great Ogboru is also aware of this position and knows that his ambition is manifestly against the run of play.

Faced with the prospect of direct primaries, Chief Ogboru is suddenly chickening out. The mask has been removed and the ugly face of the masquerade has been revealed for what it is. Ogboru, the hitherto big masquerade is now spinning illogical political plots and maneuverings to circumvent the very people who he boasts to be their general. Deltans are expectant that if indeed Ogboru is as popular as he claims, he should square off with his co-aspirants and submit himself to direct primaries.

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