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Stop Hate Speech in Nigeria


Concerned Edo Leaders of Thought Cautions Leaders of Ethnic Groups Against Inflammatory Statements

By Lucky Isibor

A group under the aegis of Concerned Edo Leaders of Thought (CELT), Tuesday, cautioned leaders of all ethnic nationalities and groups to refrain  from making inflammatory statements that are capable of  heating up the nation’s polity but should rather seek for peaceful ways of resolving contending national issues.

The group, through its president, Col. Paul Ogbebor Rtd, gave the advice while briefing Journalists in Benin City on its stand on the state of the nation.

The group in a 10 point agenda, said they believe in the unity of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and therefore not in support of any idea of secession by any component part that makes up the country no matter how well the intentions of  the agitators may be

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He noted that the country stands to benefit more both at home and within the comity of nations as a united and indivisible entity.

Ogbebor said the call for the restructuring of Nigeria should be a well defined goal that must involve every Nigerian through a national referendum.

While further advising all echelon of governments  to strive to deliver good governance to the citizens as a way to wading off the current restive agitations, Col. Ogbebor urged them to invest in human capital through provision of qualitative education and welfare services to the citizenry.

He said it is only a committed investment in our human capacity that would prepare everyone, especially the youth to meaningfully contribute to the nation’s development.

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He also admonished the federal government to strive for equitable distribution of national wealth in order to check the present hardship in the country which is the root cause of the present agitations and rededicate itself to building a just and egalitarian society devoid of favoritism and nepotism.

The retired Colonel averred that after the national goals of Nigeria Independence and Civil War for her survival and unity, another national goal should be urgently articulated and put in place for total national mobilization and regimentation.

He called on the federal government to make it a law that 80 percent of all projects designed should be executed by Nigerians, adding that it would save the country the importation of technology, work force and the export of our scarce foreign currency.

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He further appealed that 30 percent of Nigerians wealth should by law be invested in research and development with 40  percent in agriculture with emphasis that economic and investment co-operation should be encouraged in each of Nigeria’s six geo-political zones to enable the creation and operations of electricity generation and supply; petroleum, refineries and supply of products.

He urged the restive groups in the country to sheath their swords and toe the path of dialogue and peaceful co-existence within a united Nigeria adding that, action that should lead to another civil war must be avoided at all cost.

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