The Arena
CHURCHES vs CAPITALIST MOTIVES: The Plights of the Peasant Christians
By Odia Austine
Yes! …coming from the Biblical stand point according to the word of God in John 8:31-32, it buttress on the import of WE CHRISTIANS to not just knowing the GOSPEL TRUTH but it is a yardstick for our own SPIRITUAL freedom which will guarantee eternal life.
Honestly speaking from this angle as a critic and someone that love my religion which is CHRISTIANITY, it is so sardonic to say that the Biblical injunctions which our LORD JESUS CHRIST has ask us to follow is no longer practicable in CHURCHES OF TODAY.
A Christian will attend a Church program with the different nomenclatures organized by MEN OF GOD like; prayer vigil, Congress, Retreat, Sunday Service, Morning/Evening mass, Convention and so on as the tags it bears are too numerous to exhaust… going with the sincere MINDSET to commune with HIS MAKER… all with the hope of getting solace there (CHURCH).
It is not surprising that these HOPES are often DASHED by their fellow Christians but do not be surprise that the churches of today has directly turned RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS to a CAPITALIST ENTERPRISE where the POOR ones will be exploited in all ramifications ranging from all sort of utterances by these men of GOD to physical exploitations from them by vendors who hide under the canopy of satisfying the urgent need of these MIRACLE PATIENTS.
I attended a Church program recently and in the Church environment I noticed that it was a business setting. Transaction of the highest order was taking place not that these things are generally wrong per se but my condemnation is the PRICE TAGS placed on products and services by these Christians ranging from price of foods stuffs, shelter, charging of phones just to mention a few. Emphatically my phone was CHARGED for a #100 which was even higher than the money I used in charging my phone @MAMMY MARKET during my NYSC orientation days, …and here is a religious ground don’t forget!
Meanwhile, I’m aware of the Biblical verse that condemns JUDGING the activities of men of God (Matt.7:1) which I know lots of criticism will come thereafter but mind you if that will be your stand point, I would love you to know that I’m NOT judging MEN OF GOD but drawing their attentions to these anomalies that have bedevilled CHURCHES today. JESUS during HIS missionary works on earth condemned commercial activities in HIS FATHER’S HOUSE. CHRIST gave to the POOR and even to the rich but the reverse is the case today in our CHURCHES. You can take a look at the event in JOHN 2:13-21.
Therefore, I use these medium to call the attention of churches, church LEADERS all over the country, Christians and all those who are involved in this Christendom race to see to these things highlighted and make adequate provisions for their members attending these programs. Put everything in place to minimize the inflation of products and services in the Church Venue and let brotherly love continue in our CHURCHES as admonished by St. Paul.
However, when these sky rocketing commercial activities are not checked and the Church continues to grow under BUSINESS motive instead of preaching TRUE DOCTRINES and WINNING SOULS FOR CHRIST (by constantly BREAKING BREAD TOGETHER in the HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH), I’m afraid that when the trumpet shall sound, many CHURCHES will end up misleading their members.
….to be continued.