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Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi


Delta 2023: Let Kenneth Gbagi Do The Job

It was J. G. Holland who cried and said; “God give us men! A time like this demands strong minds, great hearts and ready hands, men who the  lust of office does not corrupt, men who the spoils of office can not buy, men who possess opinions and will; men who have honour and men who will not lie”.

As the 2023 guber race in Delta State begins to gather momentum, one very fundamental variable we must all clinically appraise, albeit, from a political prism is the calibre of man we settle for as occupant of ‘Osadebe House’ and the content of his character. J. G. Holland in the opening paragraph gave us a holistic view of the qualities such occupant should possess. Someone with faith, ready hands, one who list for office won’t corrupt and the spoils inherent in it can not buy.

H. L. Mencken postulates that “democracy is too good to share with just anybody”. Though Delta 2023 is three years away, it is not as distant as it seems. It is synonymous to a pregnant woman wheeled into the labour room with varying expectation from all and sundry, whatever comes irrespective of gender and consequences, the people must face it (they either wail or jubilate).

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It is on the basis of the aforementioned premises that I appeal to all Deltans (our leaders, elders, stakeholders, opinion leaders, Party chieftains and youth bodies as well as groups) especially the people of Delta Central Senatorial district who the zoning configuration favour to produce the next Governor come 2023, to let Olorogun (Barr.) Kenneth Gbagi, become the next Executive Governor of the State. This is so because he fits into the immortal words of J. G. Holland – Olorogun Kenneth Gbagi from time immemorial has an unassailable faith in Delta State, he is a ready hand just like H. E. Seyi Makinde of Oyo State and he is widely known for being amongst the few empirical political juggernauts in contemporary Nigeria.

He parades a sound political and feasible economic opinion that can catapault Delta State to eldorado while positively redefining and diversifying our fortunes as a people. The global economic stage is rapidly shifting from oil as the fastest means of generating money. Emphasis has greatly diverted to technology and human capital development. Hence, we need someone whose antenna is globally tuned to existing reality.

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The Oginibo born legal practitioner and well known criminologist parades one of the best if not the best CV needed to portray us as a people who are hungry for an experienced foot soldier. At a very young age (a record none has broken), Gbagi headed the Nigerian Legal Aid Council and left an indelible foot print in the Aid’s administrative history. He is one of the very few Nigerians who served the Federation as a Minister and has not being invited by any of the anti-graft agencies to answer queries.

As a founding member of the PDP irrespective of several unfortunate happenings and pressure from other Parties, Gbagi has remained consistent with the Party – ideological consistency is a bedrock in Partisan politics. I am certain that Olorogun’s CV will pass through the World Council of CV Analysts (if there exist such a body) and not be faulted.

Another fundamental condiment that stands the guber aspirant out is his visible philosophy of ‘Delta for Deltans’. As a respected business mogul, all his investments are situated in Delta State unlike many. From Hospitality to Oil and Gas down to security and his Philanthropic gesture, e.t.c revolves around Deltans. This has earned him the nickname “Largest investor and Single Employer of Labour” in the Big Heart State. With such a practical philosophy, we are assured that our resources will be judiciously utilized for our benefit.

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From the regime of late Gen. Sani Abacha the military has persistently approached Barr. Gbagi to serve Nigeria under them. However, as a lover of democracy, he tactically turned down such overtures until he accepted to serve Nigeria during the GEJ Presidency and was subsequently appointed the Hon. Minister of  State for Education. On assumption of office, the Urhobo born legal practitioner, criminologist, business mogul, politician, orator, philanthropist and Rotarian of international repute he hit the ground running. History has it to the credit of this youth inspiration and Democratic icon of repute that a memo was submitted to FEC for an additional 12 Federal Universities across the nation of which our darling Federal University of Petroleum University, Ugbomro was birthed thereby providing jobs for Deltans and bringing development into the State.

Comr. Prince A. Okporua, writes from Abuja.

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